
You’re trying to keep your head above water while navigating the maze of systems, politics, and a sea of faces across your schools. As the go-to psych expert, everyone expects you to have the “right answer” for everything—whether it’s picking the perfect intervention, making sense of data, or tackling student behavior, all while managing parents’ expectations. And yeah… deep breath

Even though it feels like you’re sinking, you’re unsure who to turn to for help.

But here’s the thing—it’s okay. This is part of the journey, and you’re definitely not alone.

You went into this field to:

❤️Help kids who feel lost in the shuffle (and be the person you needed when you were younger).
❤️ Stand by families as they tackle the confusing school system.
❤️ Make a real difference by speaking up for kids who often get overlooked.

You know your work can shape a child’s future in ways that matter. And honestly, there are few things more rewarding than that.

❌Feeling completely lost with no roadmap for navigating your school’s systems (because let’s be real—grad school and your internship barely scratched the surface).

❌Drowning in exhaustion, constantly pulled in every direction, putting out one fire after another without a break in sight.

❌Being expected to wear all the hats—SPED admin, social worker, reading interventionist, ABA consultant, staff therapist—and somehow keep it all together.

❌Flying solo with no other school psychs around, leaving you without a sounding board for the unique challenges only we understand.

Burnout feels inevitable when you’re giving so much of yourself every single day. That’s why setting firm boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and learning how to self-advocate early in your career isn’t just important—it’s essential.

So you’ve tried it the hard, messy way. Now it’s time to feel more confident with…

Psyched Up School Year Group Mentorship Program

I promise the career, life balance and harmony you want is possible. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

  1. Kick-off Strategy Session: A one-on-one initial 60 minute deep dive session to tailor the 3-month plan according to your specific needs and goals.
  2. 1:1 What’s App Support: You receive 3 months of 1:1 What’s App Support. Your voice and text messages will receive a response within 24-hours Monday-Thursday PST.
  3. 3 Months of Feedback: Feel free to send me your FBA/BIPS, reports, resources, etc and I will review them with my comments, thoughts, and a video recording of my feedback for you to keep forever. (Please allow 72 hours for review)

Lifetime Access

  1. Weekly Group Q & A Calls: As you grow in your career, you’ll have a chance to ask questions during our weekly group calls so that you can always have your mentor in your back pocket.
  2. Community Skool: Community will be held on the platform Skool, you can meet with other school psychs in the field.
  3. Resources: You’ll get access to all my report templates, workflows, and resources . Plus, access to all upcoming workshops.

You’ll get access to the following workshops and courses:

  • Time and Case Management
  • Boundaries and Energy Management
  • Counseling
  • Intervention and Collaboration
  • Equity and Social Justice
  • Assessment Toolkit
  • And More…